Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Book Report

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year

2020, End of the year

Usinone Publishing

Relive III, concluding a reflective statement in strategies, Usinone Publishing; three effective essay entries over the last thirteen years.  Documenting critical literary language, baseline logic and terms used to describe the targeted behavior concluded in the reflective statement; strategies used to conquer.


The professionals used for assessing; danger, physical or mental signs of disease, remedies and cures/harmony; (synchronism).  The administration of medication for issues dating back to Africa, and criteria specific to ones own.  Strategies, used to conquer are what’s common or complex, while working in the required industries; (Black and African Psychology, Educational Psychology, Computer Science, and Elementary Education); Linguistics, Political Science, History of Business, etc.

Economics, Technology, Business and Entrepreneurship

Breaking the Chains of Psychological Slavery, in Economy

Breaking The Chains of Psychological Slavery, in Technology

Breaking The Chains of Psychological Slavery, in Business and Entrepreneurship

Just (Jus Jus) use love as a wise course of action.  It’s the ideal gift for family and friends, national and internationally.

Anti’s heir within the collective body, this is still documentation of the two and during our reign as president elect, within the collective body, we are the survivors of an attempted assassination.  An erudite system the collective body designated Gruff (McGruff), sharing methods in operant conditioning understanding cognitive processes in restoring life to Lazarus, a clinical expert in assessing Black and African Psychology; European and Western Psychology, Usinone Publishing,; Dr. Dubois McGee (1973) makes a relevant observation: Racial ascription is the common denominator that is systematically woven through the international fabric of human life on the planet. Ezekiel’s 9 wards, 8 wards read and the 9th ward a Caleb spirit carrying the promise of our fathers generation.

Across The Globe

Is the viceroy’s bulletin on African Psychology & Teaching Human Sanity to Police Brutality and African Law Enforcers; Judge Dredd to Judge 4, strategies of a legacy in (Jus Jus), The Obama Factor in Black Manhood. 


Erstwhile at the delicatessen, a spoken word lecturers, lectures in food for your Mind.  Dr. Na’im Akbar, Na’im Akbar, Trying To Get You Free!  Licensed by Aterrius Usinone, Co., Street Lights, They’re Coming, etc…

Is the bid earned and the privilege of sharing Na’im Akbar, Mind Production & Associates, Inc.; an array of talent with or without the lecturers, lectures and away from the written works of the hired mind for the preparation of a 5 star restaurant compared on any rating scale with a standard of the (ex. Delicious, Baby Its Delicious).  So, for their as much, recovering strategies of Rook, Inc.; Mo-Ral Entertainment, used to harness the inspired by works of (Akbar), an array of talent, licensed by Aterrius Usinone, Co., used to continue a legacy of Na’im Akbar, or; music, audio, and book catalog.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Ab associated with the Ba, a natural and christly tradition in Holy Matrimony (Marital/Spiritual Rituals), retreating for the Khaba, receiving the Eucharist, as a tradition while celebrating during times of mourning; Ka - returning the, etc…

To the block to the streets, with air and ground accommodations for a father sons/daughters, evening of the 5 star (ex. Delicious, Baby Its Delicious); of the rating licensed as its (etcetera and so on).

In conclusion: the professor’s reading measures the performance in perfect to superior corporate leisure reading.  Na’im Akbar, Trying To Get You Free; music audio, and book catalog, Licensed by Aterrius Usinone, Co., Street Lights, They’re Coming, etc…; Akbar Papers In African Psychology, Superior Corporate Leisure Reading.

If you’re thinking about the future then you’re thinking about us.

From: Usinone Publishing, Inc.

By: Aterrius J. Cunningham, Usinone, Journalist

Monday, August 3, 2020

Simple Reminder


Relive III, a reflective statement in strategies, Usinone Publishing; the history of how great plans were used to conquer.

Corporate Governance; Ethnocentricity in Etiology.

Genre Related Topics In Behavior Management, "Death By Association - Religion." (Editor's Archive, AJC); Usinone Publishing

Usinone, Journalist; a Multi-Billionaire's Book club.  Music, Audio and book cataloged performances in spoken word lectures and Hip-Hop Music.  Research continued from Yale University, billionaires book club, et al.

If you're thinking about the future, you're thinking about us.

From: Usinone Publishing, Inc.
By: Aterrius J. Cunningham, Usinone, Journalist